APPG 2014 Notification Details - Date of APPG 2014 Examination:

into Post Graduate Medical Degree/Diploma Courses & MDS Courses for the
Year 2014-15
The application forms through online
are invited from the eligible candidates for admission into Post Graduate
Medical (MD/MS/Diploma) and Dental (MDS) Courses for the academic year 2014-15
for the seats in Colleges affiliated to Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences,
candidates who desire to appear for Entrance Test for admission into PG Medical
Degree/Diploma Courses or MDS Courses
shall apply through online from the Website
from 18-01-2014 to 28-01-2014 upto 5.00 p.m only. The online application
can be filled through any computer with internet connection (home/internet
café/net center).
For other details read the Prospectus
carefully. The Prospectus of the courses, Instructions for filling online
Application and Sample of filled-in Application is also
available on the University Website
ELIGIBILITY: The candidates who have passed MBBS / BDS
examination from an Institution recognized by the Medical Council of India /
Dental Council of India and have completed their Internship or completing the
Internship on or before 31-03-2014 are eligible to appear for
the PG Medical / MDS Entrance Test subject to the conditions specified in
admission Regulations / Prospectus.
who satisfy the local or Non-local status as per G.O.P.No.646 Education (W)
Department, Dated 10-7-1979 only are eligible to appear for PG Medical
Entrance Test. The Procedure indicated in the above G.O.P. for selection of
candidates as amended in G.O.Ms.No. 42, Higher Education (EC2) Dept., dated
18-05-2009 shall be followed.
The candidates are
advised to download and read the (1) Prospectus of the course (2)
Instructions for filling online Application (3) Sample of filled-in
Application available in the website before filling the online Application.
Registration Fee:- The
Registration fee is Rs.1550/- (Rs.1250/- for SC/ST candidates) in the form of
SBI e-challan paid at any SBI branch.
The procedure for downloading SBI
e-challan is available in the prospectus.
Verification Fee: The candidates who acquired their Under Graduate
Degree outside the state or country/abroad and got their certificates
registered with Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India and seeking
admission into Post Graduate Medical Degree/Diploma courses/ MDS courses
under this University, shall pay a verification fee of Rs.5,000/- for degree
certificates acquired abroad and Rs.1,000.- for the degrees acquired outside
the state.
Procedure for Submission of filled-in online Application form:-The candidate should submit the print-out of the
filled-in online application form along with the copies of required
certificates attested by Gazetted officer and the SBI e-challan (university
copy) either by post or in person on
or before 31-01-2014 by 5.00 PM to:
The Convener,
Post Graduate Admissions Committee,
Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, A.P.,
Vijayawada – 520 008. .
candidate should clearly superscribe on the cover containing online
application form as “Application for MDSET-2014” or “Application for PGMET – 2014”
Note: 1.
Application forms received without copies of the required Certificates, SBI
e-challan towards Registration Fee, Scanned Photo, pass port size photo with attestation of Gazetted officer, without signature at declaration area incomplete applications, applications received after last date and time and applications of ineligible candidates will stand automatically rejected.
2. The University holds no responsibility
for Postal delays / Loss in Transit.
Entrance Test Centers: The Entrance Test
shall be conducted at the centers notified by the University. The Test center
shall be allotted by the University as per the candidate’s option and as per
the availability. The Hall Ticket will contain date, time and the Name of the
allotted Test center. The University reserves the right to allot a candidate
to any one of the Test centers.
of Hall Tickets:
The candidates shall download
the Hall-tickets for MDS courses on
19-02-2014 and 20-02-2014 and for PG Medical courses (MD/MS/Diploma) from 25-02-2014 to 28-02-2014 from the website: from 10.00 a.m. |
and Time of Entrance Test:
Courses on 23-02-2014 from
11.00 AM to 12.30 PM.
Medical Courses on 02-03-2014 from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM.
The Orders issued from time to time by Government of Andhra Pradesh with regard
to Admissions into Post Graduate Medical and Dental Courses shall apply.
This notification is for Entrance Test of PGMET and MDS only. The counseling
procedure will be notified separately.
3) An
in-eligible candidate obtaining rank in the Entrance Test does not make him/her
eligible for admission.
4) Admission will be only for candidates, both
in-service & Non-Service who qualify in PG MET.
5) If
the candidate faces any difficulty for submitting the online application
contact No. 18002660312 for technical difficulties and for
clarifications on Regulations contact Mobile: 08978900836 and 08978900570,
(10.00 AM to 6.00 PM) or No.0866-2450982.
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