
Saturday, 18 January 2014

Instructions to fill APPG 2014 Online Application Form

Saturday, January 18, 2014
Instructions to fill APPG 2014 Online Application Form:

6.1 The on-line application form will be available on the website http:// from 18.01.2014 (Saturday) to 28.01.2014 (Tuesday) 5.00 p.m.Note: The candidates are advised to take a print out of the prospectus / instructions to fill the application form from the website or from before proceeding to fill the application form.
6.2 The candidate should fill the online application form available in the Website with the data required for, through internet. The online application form can be filled through any computer with internet connection (home/internet café/net center). The candidate is advised to fill the online application form after going through the prospectus by keeping all the Certificates, Scanned Photo and signature in the .jpg/.gif format separately (as shown below) (step-1) and ready to enter his/her correct data and upload the photo and signature after the payment of e-challan in any SBI branch.
6.2.1 1. The generation of e-challan through online after submitting the personal details and category thro download challan Link in the website (Sample Screen as shown below).

2. The candidate has to pay the amount indicated in the e-challan at any branch of SBI and submit the application on the website using the login information as communicated in the E-Mail/SMS.
3. The fee paid by the applicants is not refundable under any circumstances.
4. The system generated Application No is displayed for future reference.
5. If candidate is unable to view pdf document download the Adobe Reader.
6. The candidate has to pay the fee in any SBI branch on or before 29-01-2014 using the challan before 05.00 PM

Sample Screen shot for Challan Entry follows…

• After payment of fee at State Bank of India, applicants have to visit the website ( ) on next working day to submit the application
• The login screen will appear for the candidate to enter the payment details. The following screen will be displayed. The screen will ask for Application No as USER ID and Date of 10 Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) as password(Example: 02/10/1984) to proceed for the application submission. The USER ID and password also shared through E-Mail and SMS after successful registration.

Note : Bank challan information will be updated every next day 12.00 Noon for the applicants who paid the fee today. (for ex. For the candidates who paid the fee on 09/02/2014 will be updated on 10/02/2014 at 12:00 Noon.)
6.2.3 Applicant can also see the display of message Fields marked with ‘*’ are compulsory. Click on OK
button to proceed to fill the online form to fill the application.
6.2.4 The candidate will be allowed to take a copy of printout at any time, but editing / adding information
is not allowed once the application is submitted.
6.2.5 The main application form is consisting of 5 tabs (General Information, Qualifications, Marks, Other
Details, Payment Details) to collect all the required information. The sample screenshot is as

6.2.6 All the information filled previously for the challan generation are prepopulated on this main form and cannot be changed during this process of application fill-up.6.2.7 Sample Screen Shots for uploading Photo with Signature
The applicant has to upload his/her Photo and Signature in the prescribed format by clicking on the below link on the General tab in the application form.

By clicking on the above link the following screen appears.
6.2.8. Click on the browse buttons to upload the photos and signatures from local machine. Only .jpg/.gif
images can be uploaded which are maximum 80kb in size each.
6.2.9 By clicking on browse button and selecting the file, the image is automatically displayed as File
name. Click on SUBMIT button will submit the photo. Then close the upload photo and image
screen to come back to the original form.
6.2.10 Click next to fill the remaining information on remaining tabs.
6.2.11 On the Payment Details tab fill the CAPACHA and Click on I agree Check box to give declaration.
Click on SUBMIT button to submit the form, after this no information can be edited.
Sample screen is displayed below.

6.3 After completing the data entry in all pages of the online application and after submitting the data through online, the candidate should take the print-out of the filled-in online application form. The candidate should note the application number and e-challan number which appears on the printout of application for future reference. 
6.4 The candidate should paste a recent passport size photograph (identical to the photo that used for scanning) in the space provided in the print out of online application form and to be attested by a gazzetted officer.
6.5 Registration Fee:
The registration fee is Rs. 1550/- for OC/BC categories and Rs.1250/- for SC/ST categories.Verification Fee: The candidates who acquired their Under Graduate Degree outside the state or country/abroad and got their certificates registered with Medical Council of India and seeking admission into Post Graduate Medical Degree/Diploma courses under this University, shall pay a verification fee of Rs.5,000/- for degree certificates acquired abroad and Rs.1,000.- for the degrees acquired outside the state.
6.6 The candidate should sign at the declaration area in the print out of the online application form and
also put left hand thumb impression at the space provided without fail.
6.7.1 The candidate should submit the print-out of the filled- online application alongwith the attested
copies of required certificates and SBI e-challan (university copy) towards the registration fee to The Convener, PG Admissions Committee, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, A.P. Vijayawada - 8
either by post or in person on or before 5.00 PM on 31.01.2014. The candidate shall clearly superscribe on the cover the name of the course applied for: “PG MET-2014”.
6.7.2 Application forms received without copies of the required Certificates, e-challan (university copy)
towards Registration Fee, incomplete applications, without signing declaration applications received after last date and time will stand automatically rejected. Postal delay or loss in transit will not be condoned. Application forms of ineligible candidates will be summarily rejected.
Note: 1) The candidature of the applicant will not be considered for PG MET - 2014 unless the print-out application form is submitted to the University alongwith the requisite enclosures on or before the date. The University holds no responsibility for postal delays / Loss in Transit. The candidates can verify the status of registration of application after two days of submission of application (Hard Copy) in the University office and for eligibility by entering the Application Number and Date of Birth of the candidate in the website
2) The Entrance test committee is taking every precaution to grant eligibility to all the eligible candidates who have fulfilled all Statutory Regulations to appear PGMET 2014 and registered by enclosing all the documents including payment of fees. If the candidate faces any difficulty while submitting the online application contact No. 18002660312 for technical difficulties and for clarifications on Regulations contact No.08978900836 and 08978900570 (10 AM to 6 PM), No.0866- 2450982.
3) If the candidate unable to download the hall ticket during the scheduled notified time represent in person only giving the particulars of name of the candidate, application No., Particulars of fee payment and nature of difficulty before 27.02.2014. No other mode of representation will be considered. Representations received after 01.03.2014 will not be entertained. The candidates are advised to represent to the University in person for redresal of the grievance if they fulfill eligibility conditions to appear for the entrance test. Representations for alteration, category, area, will not be entertained.


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